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The Millionaire's Redemption Page 8

  “Would you like to come in for coffee?”

  “No thanks. I want to kiss you.”

  She heard a click. The seat shot back and she found herself in his arms. His lips, hot and urgent, claimed hers, and she opened her mouth to receive his moist, darting tongue.

  Tasting, savoring, entwining with hers, she felt him thrusting deeper. Passion sizzled like tongues of flame. Burning. Scorching. A wild fire whipped up by a gale. Uncontrollable, unstoppable.

  She heard his labored breathing and felt the fire within him. The feel of his hands seared the bare skin of her back. She moaned with the pain of deprivation as his mouth moved from her mouth, only to sigh with ecstasy as he nuzzled her throat.

  One of his hands left her back and started working her nipple through the material of her dress.

  “No bra.” He gave a feral groan. “But I can’t get to your breasts unless I rip your dress off.”

  He started suckling the nipple through the material. She had never felt anything so sensuous. His hand slid up under her skirt. Her thighs quivered as his trembling fingers made contact with her bare flesh ‑‑ stroking, squeezing. She felt the warm gush of pleasure that his touch aroused.

  He half lay across her now so she could feel his erection pressing into her stomach. She wanted to touch it, caress and taste it. Wanted to guide this powerful instrument of pleasure into her love canal then let him bury himself deep within her throbbing core.

  “Holly. Oh my God.” He groaned several times. “I want you so badly it’s killing me.”

  “Take me, Justin, right here and now in the car,” she sobbed.

  “Car!” The word broke into his passion, dousing it like a bucket of freezing water. He had lost his head. He was so out of control he was on the verge of having sex in a car ‑‑ on a public street ‑‑ with no protection. Cursing under his breath he drew away before he tumbled over the brink. He felt so aroused he could barely move.

  “Please, I love you,” she pleaded.

  Her declaration cooled his ardor like nothing else could. Love meant permanency, marriage even. He felt cold all over. A girl like Holly would expect a life-long commitment, and he couldn’t give it to her.

  Mad, frantic love making until the flame went out was all he could offer, and it would leave her as cold as the ashes of a long dead fire. He couldn’t do it to her, to Lilly. He thought too much of them.

  “I’m sorry, Holly, it could never work between us. I’d only cause you pain, and you’ve had enough of that in your life.”

  “I’m sorry too,” she whispered, touching his cheek with her fingertips. “Goodbye.”

  She would never know how she alighted from the car and stumbled to the verandah. Thank goodness the house remained in darkness with Lilly asleep and Mrs. Harris already in bed. She eased the door open so as not to make a noise. Before she shut it, she glanced over one shoulder and saw him driving out of her life.

  Chapter Seven

  For the next three weeks, things went well. Lilly settled into the crèche routine, and Holly worked Monday, Wednesday and Friday from nine until four. Owen came down to the office several times, but she always got rid of him by pretending to be busy. No word from Justin. She almost rang him several times, but stopped dead in her tracks when she remembered the last time they met.

  “Well, Lilly Pilly, we’ll be on our own now. Mrs. Harris will be gone when we get home,” she said, strapping Lilly into the stroller for their train journey.

  As she headed towards their bungalow, the place seemed strangely silent, almost forbidding. She gave a sudden shiver. You’re an idiot she scolded herself. Being alone shouldn’t worry her as she still remembered the self-defense moves Robbie had taught her. Unarmed combat, he always said. To ward off would be admirers in case he wasn’t there to punch their lights out.

  What would their future have held if he hadn’t been killed? Would they have grown apart? She dragged the side gate open. Of course they wouldn’t. They would have lived happily ever after. That’s how the fairy tale went, the way it should have been, but she would never know for certain now.

  I’ve got Lilly, and maybe one day I’ll settle down with a nice man. Mistakenly, she had thought Justin might prove to be the one.

  “What will we have for tea, baby?” She tried to pull her thoughts out of the doldrums. No point in dwelling on what might have been. You can’t turn the clock back, can’t refuse the hand fate dealt you.


  One Wednesday morning, Holly worked alone in the Radiology Department.

  “Good morning.” She glanced up from typing a report and her stomach knotted up with dread.

  “Oh, Owen, Hi.” She tried to sound casual.

  “How have you been getting along?”

  “All right, thanks.”

  He leaned over her, draping his arm across her shoulders. She wanted to knock it off but didn’t quite dare. Thank goodness, the phone rang. Saved by the bell, she bit back on a hysterical laugh.

  He stepped back a pace as she stood up.

  “Radiology, Holly speaking.”

  “Dr. Calvert here, I’d like to speak with Dr. Stevens please,” the male voice said.

  “I’m sorry. He’s away for a couple of days at a conference.”

  “All right, get me one of the radiographers.”

  “I’m sorry Dr. Calvert. I’m the only person here today.”

  “Fat lot of good that is.” He slammed the phone down in her ear.

  “We’re all alone are we, sweet Holly?” Owen gave one of his smarmy smiles.

  The hair on the back of her neck prickled as he pushed the door shut with his foot. The action had menacing undertones. Instinctively she backed away. Her heart leapt up into her mouth as she frantically glanced around for an escape route.

  “Time to repay your debt to me, babe.”

  His arms snaked out, and he dragged her body against his, holding her so close she could scarcely breathe. His mouth came down on hers – hard, wet, revolting. She tried to push at his shoulders and twist out of his reach.

  Slamming her against the desk, he started pushing up her skirt. “Don’t play hard to get, bitch. I know you’re hot for me.”

  “Let me go or I’ll scream,” she threatened, frantically punching at his back and shoulders.

  “There’s no one around to hear. Like it rough do you?”

  He made a sudden grab for her flimsy lace panties. Fear almost overwhelmed her. She could smell his sweating anticipation, feel his erection pushing against her belly, but knew she would never submit to him while there was even one breath left in her body.

  She fought him like a wildcat, twisting, turning and hitting out at him, but he was strong, ruthless, sexually aroused and dangerous. In desperation she lifted her knee and rammed it into his groin with all her strength.

  Cursing with pain, he staggered back. Terrified, she grabbed her bag, wrenched the door open and ran out of the office. There was no one around to help ‑‑ not a solitary soul. She would starve to death before letting a predator like Owen touch her again.

  She heard a bellow of rage as he staggered after her clutching his groin. “F…ing bitch, you’re fired.” He caught up with her at the elevator as her finger stabbed at the button.

  “You, you, animal, I’m going to report you.”

  “Yeah, slut, and who’s going to take your word against mine?” He pushed his face up close to hers and she wanted to scratch his eyes out.

  The elevator arrived, and she dived into it, trying to slam the door on him. He gave it a shove, and she reeled back against the far wall.

  “You’ll pay for this you bitch. I’ll see to it.”

  “I’d rather starve than work for you,” she screamed, trying to stop herself from trembling and giving him the satisfaction of seeing her fear and horror.

  The elevator arrived at the ground floor. He pushed past her and limped up to the receptionist. “I want this woman escorted from the premises, and she’s never
to set foot inside the hospital again.”

  “I’m going, but if my pay doesn’t get deposited in my bank account, I’ll contact Justin Devereux, I swear it.”

  Holly left. Her whole body trembled as she staggered out into the street. Slumping against the wall, she fought to get herself under control so as not to frighten Lilly.

  What would happen to her now? Her head ached, and she felt like vomiting. If she went to the police, would they believe her? He hadn’t actually raped her. The knee in the groin saw to that. There were no bruises or marks on her body. It would be her word against his. With a rich powerful father, what chance would she have?

  Would Justin believe her if she contacted him and told him what happened? Yeah, pigs would fly first. She was ordinary, Owen one of Justin’s kind, wealthy, ruthless, a law unto themselves, and to hell with anyone else.

  If Owen accused her of attacking him, she might even go to jail. What would happen to Lilly? Owen Hamilton was a sexual predator of the worst kind, but she couldn’t prove it.

  He knew he wouldn’t get caught. How many other vulnerable women had he tried to attack? Plenty most probably, but none of them would have reported him. She didn’t want the despicable bully to get away with it, but Lilly remained her first priority. She couldn’t run the risk of the welfare people getting involved, accusing her of being an unfit mother and taking Lilly away.

  Blinking back frightened tears, she clutched her handbag a little tighter, took several shuddering breaths to steady herself before slowly making her tortuous way to ‘The Teddy Bears’ Picnic.’


  Justin strolled into Glen Fern hospital. He wanted to see Holly again to apologize for his over-the-top reaction after the charity dinner. He had tried to ring her at Mrs. Harris’ on several occasions, but the number always rang out. He desperately wanted to invite her out again. He missed her more than he cared to admit even to himself. Hell, to be honest, he hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind.

  There was something special about Holly. Honest, gutsy and beautiful ‑‑ she had just about restored his faith in women and made him believe there might still be some decent ones left.

  He would check in with Owen first to ascertain which department Holly worked in. No point in advertising his interest to all and sundry. And he was interested. Oh God, was he interested. She intruded on his thoughts during the day, and peppered his dreams at night.

  Nodding to the girl at reception, he pressed the elevator button and waited. He couldn’t believe the excitement churning around in his stomach and the way his heart pounded. He felt like a schoolboy going out on his first hot date.

  Owen lounged in his chair but sprung to his feet when Justin entered. “Justin Devereux! What brings you here?”

  “Just passing, thought I’d check up on Holly Kirwan.”

  “She doesn’t work here anymore.”

  Justin’s stomach dropped. Had his boorish behavior driven her away? “Why did she leave?”

  “She propositioned me after being here a couple of weeks.”

  “What!” He couldn’t believe his ears.

  “Said she wanted more money. Stood in the same spot as you’re standing now and offered me oral sex.”

  The breath whooshed from Justin’s lungs. He almost doubled over with the pain of betrayal. It felt like a rusty knife slowly paring away his guts. It couldn’t be true, yet why would Owen lie? He hardly knew the man, but his father epitomized honesty and integrity.

  He had fallen for the grieving widow bit hook, line and sinker. She probably hadn’t given a damn about her husband either. No, her grief had been real, her devotion to Lilly real, but he had made a huge mistake in thinking she might be attracted to him. Deluded himself into thinking she cared. Read in her eyes what wasn’t really there. In reality she only wanted to get money out of him like all the other women he knew. He suddenly remembered with a sickening surge her vow to do anything, legal or otherwise, for Lilly

  “I’m sorry, Justin, I would have ignored it, but a few days later, one of the relieving radiographers complained about her offering him sex for fifty dollars. I had to fire her.”

  Justin turned on his heel and strode out of the office. Never again would he trust a woman, treacherous, conniving liars. He had been a fool to think Holly might be any different from the rest of her sex. Didn’t he ever learn?

  He couldn’t believe how much her betrayal hurt. It damn near killed him. He would never fully recover from it, but he wouldn’t drink himself into oblivion or take his own life like Brad had after Vicki betrayed him. He cursed under his breath, berating himself for being such a gullible fool, yet inwardly he wept bitter tears.

  Chapter Eight

  Two weeks after being fired by Owen, Holly still didn’t have a job. There were plenty of employment opportunities around for medical typists, but lack of suitable childcare proved the major stumbling block.

  Maybe she should be looking at live-in housekeeping or nanny jobs where she could take Lilly she decided, wheeling the stroller down to Harry’s general store.

  “Hello, love. Find anything in yesterday’s paper?”

  “No, it’s the child minding that’s really the problem. I can’t find anywhere suitable.” Maybe she was being too picky, but she couldn’t risk leaving Lilly anywhere substandard.

  “Keep searching, something will turn up,” he said with a sympathetic smile. “By the way, some Englishman came in here yesterday asking about you?”

  “Who? I don’t know any… Oh my God.” Her heart leapt up into her mouth until she nearly choked on it. Fear slammed into her with the force of a battering ram. Her legs shook so much they were barely able to support her weight.

  “Looked kind of military, a private investigator, if you ask me.”

  She slumped against the counter. If she hadn’t been wheeling the stroller, she would have collapsed in a screaming heap on the floor. Her worst nightmare, the blackest of her dreams had become a scary reality. Someone from England was searching for her. The Kirwans had tracked them down.

  “What did you tell him? Oh, Harry what did you say?”

  “He had your address, complained about knocking on the door but not getting an answer. I didn’t tell him you lived in a bungalow out the back though.”

  Relief flooded through her for a moment, followed by panic. “He must have been sent out by Robbie’s parents. They want to take Lilly away from me. They won’t get away with it,” she vowed fiercely.

  “It might be safer if you moved away from here, love.”

  “Where can I go?” Now was not the time to go to pieces. She had to think of a plan and quickly.

  “Here, take the paper. You might find somewhere. I wish I could offer you a room at my place, but with the daughter and grandkids coming back, we’re crowded out.”

  “I know, Harry, but thanks anyway.”

  Her head started aching like it always did when she got stressed. She bought a loaf of bread and a couple of other things. Would the Englishman be watching the house?

  She would have to be careful from now on. Play it smart. How could the English authorities get hold of her address? The Veteran Affairs people must have contacted their English counterparts, and Robbie’s dad once worked in the government. He would still have his network of spies operating there.

  Dare they return home? There was no alternative. She needed to get some things for Lilly. She fought to keep herself under control. If she went to pieces now, they were both doomed. Lilly would be taken away from her. A fate worse than death.

  When she arrived home, the street appeared deserted. She still had the house keys, so she went in through the door, in case the PI was hiding somewhere. Let him think they actually lived in the house. It might buy her a little time. He would keep knocking on the door a few more times thinking she was at work.

  “What a mess we’re in.”

  “Mumma.” Lilly gave a toothy, dribbling grin.

  “Oh baby, you’ve got no ide
a of the danger we’re facing.”

  Once inside the bungalow, she locked the door and jammed a chair against it. You fool she castigated herself, giving a hysterical giggle. The Englishman wouldn’t kick the door in. Come with the police and welfare people waving a court order most likely. Oh yes, he would do everything by the book. She could visualize it. Well, he would be too late. They would be gone. How? Where? She had no idea, but by tomorrow they would be far away from Moorecroft Street.

  She fed Lilly then lay down on the bed to plot their escape. Interstate would be best. Maybe Queensland where it was warm. She had Mrs. Harris’ daughter’s address. At least she would know someone there. The more she thought about it the better the idea sounded.

  She nearly went out to collect the mail but stopped herself. Instead, once Lilly fell asleep, she crept up the side drive, keeping herself hidden behind the many large shrubs.

  Parked across the road was a metallic blue car. She couldn’t see the male driver clearly. Didn’t need to. Back inside the bungalow, she paced the floor. They had to get away, but how?

  She heard the front door bell. It had a loud ring because Mrs. Harris was partially deaf and she wanted to hear it out in the garden. How long before the PI came around the back and did a thorough search? Thank goodness, a few items of furniture had been left in the house, so it didn’t look deserted. It would be best if he thought she was out at work. It would buy her a few more precious hours. How could she get away if he stayed there, though? She tried to rack her brain. To come up with something – anything.

  Later in the afternoon, Holly sneaked out again and saw the car still parked across the road. There could be no mistake now. The man was watching the house, lying in wait ready to pounce when he saw her.

  The backyard shared a boundary with the park. If she could climb over the fence, the PI wouldn’t see her. On the spur of the moment, she couldn’t come up with any other idea.