The Millionaire's Redemption Read online

Page 10

  She ignored his sarcasm. “Have you been living here long?” She followed him out to a gleaming kitchen of stainless steel and glass. It looked as if it had never been used.

  “A few months. I travel a lot. Why?”

  She glanced around. “I just wondered. It looks sort of unlived in. I mean you don’t seem to have any personal possessions lying around.”

  He shrugged. “There are three bedrooms, but I’ve got all my computer systems set up in one of them. Don’t let Lilly go in there, for God’s sake.”

  “I don’t think this is going to work. This isn’t a place for children.” She gnawed her bottom lip in agitation.

  “I never meant it to be. Make sure she doesn’t touch anything. You can do that surely?”

  “Of course I’ll watch her, but you’ll have to keep the rooms you don’t want her in closed off, and don’t put anything down low where she can reach it. She’s only a baby, she doesn’t understand.”

  She felt worse with every passing minute. Her head ached and her nerves were shredded. Now her hand started to throb as well.

  “Here, sit down,” he said brusquely leading her over to an armchair. “You look terrible. Would you like something to eat or a cup of tea?”

  “Tea would be nice.”

  Squatting down beside her, he picked up her hand and turned it over. A large splinter was embedded deep within the soft flesh of her palm.

  “You might need a doctor to take this out.” He made a careful inspection of the injury, his touch gentle, and his skin warm against hers. She felt an overwhelming desire to bring his hand up to cradle her face.

  “I can get it out with a needle. Luckily it’s my left hand. Do you have a first aid kit?”

  “Yes, I’ll get it. No, you don’t.” Lilly had draped herself across his knee, and he lifted her away. “Your mother needs to have her hand attended to.

  “Mumma, mumma.” She turned her attention to her mother, and Holly picked her up. Straightaway Lilly started searching for the breast.

  “You’re not still breast feeding her?” Shock edged his voice.

  “She has solids as well.”

  “Can’t you give her milk in a bottle or something?”

  “She won’t take it. Anyway, breast milk is best.”

  Giving a snort of annoyance, he stood up and left the room. Lilly kept grabbing at her breast so Holly decided to feed her. To hell with him. His reaction proved to be typically male. He thought of breasts only in a sexual context. She was prepared to cater to his every whim as part of their deal, but Lilly would always come first.

  He returned with a black leather box with a red cross painted on the lid. He had removed his jacket and tie and rolled his shirtsleeves up to the elbows. His eyes darkened to a deep, slate gray as he sat next to them, watching Lilly intently. There was no way she could tell what went on in his head. After she finished one side, Lilly lost interest in the breast. She wanted what Justin held in his hand.

  “You can’t have it,” he said, moving it away from the chubby baby fingers. Lilly started to grizzle but stopped when he handed her a bunch of keys.

  “My medical skills are minimal, but I’ll do my best.” He gently swabbed the area around the splinter with an antiseptic-soaked piece of cotton wool.

  His face was so close she could see the fine lines around his eyes and the start of his five o’clock shadow. She closed her eyes, inhaling his special male scent and feeling the warmth of his body. If only things could be different between them.

  He would think she shut her eyes because she didn’t want to watch what he did. If only he knew. She wanted to savor his nearness, to imagine what it would be like to have him love her like Robbie had.

  “Ouch,” she yelped when the needle dug into her palm.

  He swore softly. “It’s broken off. I’ve only got half of it.”

  As he probed some more, she wanted to cry out in pain but gritted her teeth to stop any sound from coming out.

  “Got it.” He dabbed the wound with some antiseptic ointment and applied a piece of sticking plaster. “There you go, all finished.” He patted her on the head before standing up.

  “Thanks. You have gentle hands.” She wanted to feel them roaming over her body, touching, caressing.

  He gave a sudden grin, which wiped years off his age. “I’ve never been told that before.”

  He left the room and returned within a short time with a mug of tea. “Milk, no sugar?”

  “Yes, thanks. How did you remember?”

  He shrugged. “I’ll go downstairs to the deli and bring us something back for dinner. Their quiches are to die for. What will I get for Lilly?”

  “I’ve brought some jars of baby food along. She can have one tonight. I usually cook her vegetables myself, it’s better for her. You won’t mind if I use your stove?”

  “No, help yourself to anything you need. I’ll make arrangements for you to have an account at the department store downstairs. They’re sure to have a baby wear department. Tomorrow, you can get all the stuff that Lilly needs and some clothes for yourself as well.

  “You don’t have to buy me clothes.” She wondered whether he deliberately tried to make her feel cheap.

  “You sure as hell can’t live with one pair of jeans and a top. Stock up on some food, whatever you feel up to cooking. I’m not a fussy eater. Actually, I can’t remember when I last ate a home-cooked meal.”

  After he left, she picked up Lilly and wandered around his apartment as she came to grips with the decision she had made. The same clinical coldness prevailed in every room. At the far end of the lounge room, behind double, frosted glass doors, she found a small room with an enormous bay window opening directly on to a balcony. What a wonderful view one would get of the city skyline at night from here.

  Even though it contained no furniture, this was the nicest section in the whole apartment. It could easily be made to look warm and snug without much effort. She could imagine herself curled up on a nice comfy sofa with a novel.

  A king-size bed with a black, crushed velvet quilt and matching bolsters dominated the main bedroom. It was masculine looking. There was no other stand-alone furniture, as everything had been built in.

  How many of Justin’s other women had lived here? Jealousy lay in her stomach like curdled cream. It was none of her business how many women he entertained here. They had a business deal. Pure and simple. She’d have protection and a roof over their heads by giving him sex.

  Her emotions seesawed between humiliation at being another notch in his belt, disloyalty to Robbie’s memory, and excited anticipation. Justin would be a consummate lover. She pulled herself up quickly. Love had nothing to do with it. She forgot that at her peril.

  In the wardrobe, a dozen or so suits, numerous shirts and other male attire were hung up in neat rows, but they took up only a fraction of the hanging space. She didn’t dare open the drawers in case he came back and caught her snooping.

  The black and white marble bathroom contained an enormous spa bath, and double-sized shower recess, all with gold fittings. Would he expect her to shower with him? Excited goose bumps pebbled the skin of her arms.

  Her headache had disappeared, and her hand didn’t throb as much either. She prowled around wondering what was keeping him. How long would he want her? A few weeks? Months? It certainly wouldn’t be years. He had been adamant about not wanting a long relationship, let alone a permanent one.

  She must keep reminding herself of that, otherwise she would let down her guard. It would be easy to fall for him, but it would prove an expensive mistake. She had loved Robbie and lost him to a war on the other side of the world, something beyond their control, but Justin. To lose him to another woman, knowing that he lived in the same city as her, would be hell on earth.

  When Justin finally returned, he carried several bulging shopping bags. Lilly toddled up to him, excitedly grabbing at his legs.

  “Steady on, little missie. You’ll trip me over.”

  “Gee, you must be hungry,” Holly said. “Or are you stocking up?”

  “Neither.” The stuff in here is for you and Lilly.”

  “What do you think of this?” He dragged out a bright multi-colored ball and gave it to Lilly who squealed with delight. There was a baby doll, a bucket of building blocks, plastic books and an assortment of other soft plush toys, including Winnie the Pooh.

  Holly gasped in shock. “You… you shouldn’t have bought so many things.”

  He shrugged. “At least you’re looking much better now.” He peered into her face. “More color in your cheeks.”

  Don’t be swayed by his apparent concern. “I do feel heaps better, probably because all the fear and stress are gone. I seem to go to pieces under pressure.”

  “Forget all that. Come and look at your presents. You can buy yourself some more stuff tomorrow. I’ve opened up an account for you downstairs. There’s a cot being delivered in an hour or so. I asked the woman in the baby wear department to pick out what she thought we’d need to set Lilly up.”

  His statement shocked her. For a second, she nearly believed he really cared, but reality soon kicked in. What was a few dollars to him? Cheap at the price, if it kept Lilly out of his hair.

  “You’ve been busy, but you didn’t have to buy all this for us. It wasn’t part of the agreement.”

  “To hell with the agreement. I wanted you to have some new things.” He passed a couple of the bags over to her. “Come on, tell me what you think.

  She felt hot all over on seeing the mini V-lace panties and push up bra sets. They were positively indecent, but gorgeous. Red and black were obviously his favorite colors, but how could he possibly know her size? An educated guess most probably.

  “Do you like them?”

  “They’re beautiful, but you shouldn’t have, I mean.” She bit her lip. “They must have been expensive.”

  “They were.” He gave a cheeky, little boy grin. “But worth every cent when I see you wearing them.”

  A white almost see-through, nightgown had satin shoestring tie straps. A black satin, knee-length number was slashed to mid thigh level.

  “What’s wrong? Don’t you like them?”

  “Of course I do.” Her lips trembled, and she blinked back emotional tears. Did he buy them purely for sexual scintillation or because he wanted her to have something pretty?

  “What then?” He pulled her on to his lap, twisting her sideways so she could look into his face, but also keep an eye on Lilly who played with her new toys. “I only wanted to please you.”

  “I’ve never had anything like this before. Even with Robbie...”

  “Forget Robbie when you’re with me,” he growled. “I don’t want to compete with a dead war hero.”

  “I just meant...”

  He cut off the explanation with his mouth. Hot and hungry it demanded a response, which she eagerly gave. He tasted so good. Her arms went up around his neck, and she maneuvered herself into a more comfortable position and clung to him, burying her fingers in the soft hair at his nape.

  She felt his tongue slowly circumnavigating her mouth, giving gentle flicks every now and again. Blood rushed to her head, swamping her senses. Desire raced through her veins, white-hot liquid fire. His hand slipped under her T-shirt and massaged the bare flesh of her back.

  He rained kisses all over her face, her throat and the top of her shoulder where he had pushed her T-shirt down. Impatient hands brushed her hair aside and she felt his teeth grazing the side of her throat before suckling the damp flesh. He would probably leave a mark on her skin, but she didn’t care. This kind of battle scar she wouldn’t mind carrying.

  His hand slid down her back until his fingers made contact with the waistband of her jeans. “Bloody tight jeans,” she heard him mutter. Suddenly, he put her aside and stood up.

  “We’d better stop now,” he said huskily, “while I’m still able to.”

  Even as he stepped back, the ridge of his arousal was outlined against the cloth of his pants. He followed her eyes and grimaced.

  “Lady, you pack a hell of a punch.” He dragged trembling fingers through his hair. “How long will it take to feed Lilly and get her ready for bed?”

  “I’d like to give her a bath.”

  “All right, do what you have to. I’ll select a nice wine for us to have with our quiche.

  Holly picked up Lilly and gave her a cuddle. “I might feed her before I give her a bath, she can be a messy eater.”

  After Lilly had eaten the jar of baby vegetables, Holly carried her straight into the bathroom as she had rubbed food in her hair and over her face.

  “She’s revolting.” Justin shuddered with distaste as he followed them. What would he do if he saw one of her dirty nappies?

  “Babies can be grubby little creatures,” she explained with a grin. “You get used to it, don’t you Lilly Pilly?”

  “The towels are kept in here.” He pointed to the vanity unit that covered almost the whole of one wall. There’s soap and stuff, help yourself to anything you need.”

  The enormous bath wasn’t suitable. “Would it be okay if I took a shower, I can wash Lilly at the same time?”

  “Of course it’s all right,” he said irritably. “You don’t have to keep asking me.”

  She undressed Lilly first and sat her on a towel while she stripped off her own clothing. She had never seen such a luxurious bathroom except in the movies. After they finished showering, she put the same clothes back on again because she had nothing else to wear. Wrapping Lilly up in one of the soft fluffy bath sheets, she carried her out into the lounge room and dressed her for bed in a pink and white striped sleep suit.

  Justin wasn’t anywhere to be seen. He must have slipped out to buy some wine to accompany their dinner.

  She was breastfeeding Lilly when he strode into the room. “They delivered the cot while you were under the shower, so I’ve set it up in the spare room.”


  “You agreed to share my bed.”

  “It isn’t that. She’s not used to being on her own. What if she wakes up in the night?”

  “The bedrooms are next to each other. You’ll hear her if she calls out. I didn’t mean shut the door and lock her in.”

  She ran her fingers distractedly through her hair. “I know I’m over protective towards her, but she’s all I’ve got.”

  He stared hard at her. You’ve got me he almost said, gazing into her troubled blue eyes. Holly looked about sixteen, all damp and rosy from the shower with her hair falling about her shoulders in a damp cloud. The muscles in his groin tightened. Excitement swirled around in the pit of his stomach.

  There was no point in lying. They both knew he only wanted her here until his sexual cravings were slaked, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t continue to take care of them financially, even if she had offered herself to Owen. Hell, that hurt. The pain wouldn’t go away. It would end up poisoning his whole system if he wasn’t careful, but it eased the guilt he felt about their arrangement.

  “You don’t have to worry. I’ll always make sure you and Lilly are financially taken care of.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t expect you to. We made a deal and I’ll stick to it.”

  Her lips trembled. Those incredibly soft pink lips. Oh God, he didn’t want to eat quiche for dinner. He wanted Holly, wanted to gobble her all up.

  “When you want me to go, I won’t cause a fuss.”

  “Have you had many partners?” He tried to pour cold water on his sympathy and get them back on a business footing once more.

  “Only Robbie,” she whispered.

  “No one else?” He tried to hide his shock. “Ever?” That couldn’t be true. It didn’t make sense. Yet...

  She shook her head, and he didn’t know why, but he believed her. What reason would Owen have to lie? Doubt clouded his mind, but he squashed it down so he wouldn’t feel such a jerk.

  “She’s asleep,” he finally said. �
��Put her to bed so we can eat our dinner.”

  When Holly returned from putting Lilly in her new, colonial style cot, Justin poured red wine into crystal goblets. He had set the table for two, white plates on red placemats with a red candle in a carved silver holder.

  “This looks nice. I didn’t realize you were so domesticated,” she said, taking the chair he pulled out for her.

  “I’m not. Here, let’s have a toast before we eat. To us.” He touched his glass with hers.

  “Yes, to us, Justin.”

  Her softly spoken response did funny things to his insides, turned them into complete mush. If he had even half a brain in his head, he would call the whole deal off right now. Instinct warned him Holly Kirwan was dangerous. She made him feel things he didn’t want to feel. Hot, explosive sex was all he wanted, and in a short while his wish would be granted.

  The quiche tasted delicious, she devoured it but drank the wine sparingly, even if it was the most expensive she had ever tasted. To settle the nervous whirling in her stomach, she wanted to scoff the whole bottle down, but too much wine and breastfeeding didn’t mix.

  “That was lovely, thanks.” She pushed her empty plate away.

  “Some more wine?”

  “No, it might upset Lilly.”

  “She must be old enough to be taken off the breast by now.”

  “I suppose so, but she likes it and so do I.” Holly stood up. “Do you want me to make some coffee?”

  “No, thanks. I want you to change into the white nightgown so I can see what it looks like.”

  “Now?” Her hands fluttered at her throat.

  “Yes. I’ll clear away this mess and take a shower.”

  She hurried out into the lounge room and collected the shopping bags. Excitement swirled around in her stomach. She had seen the raw hunger in Justin’s eyes. Was he sex starved or did she really turn him on? He had been kind to Lilly and her, showering them with gifts and welcoming them into his home. Now, it was payback time.

  In the master bedroom, she laid the quilt back to reveal black satin sheets. She ran the flat of her hand across the bottom sheet. How silky and sensuous it felt. Rivulets of sensation raced up her arm, and a sudden hot, aching need surged through her femininity